Creed Foodservice - A new partnership

Wow BIG NEWS, we are now supplying our cakes through Creed Foodservice, a family run business, offering our 'lip smackingly good' cakes nationally across the UK. Hoorah! National Distribution has always been a dream for us and working with Creed Foodservice is an incredible opportunity. So whether you’re in Somerset, London or Manchester, our cakes are available to all. 

It's wonderful to be working with a like minded brand, who pride themselves on supplying high quality foods, sourced & manufactured in an ethical and environmentally responsible way. 

Read below for a list of product lines available NOW through Creed Foodservice. 

- Salted Caramel & Peanut Brownie Traybake Gluten Free (Taste of the West 2018 Highly Commended Award Winner)
- Banana & Chocolate Traybake Vegan (Taste of the West 2018 - Silver Award Winner)
- Mince Pies
- Key Lime Pie*
- Cheesecake*
- Rocky Road Traybake

(*designed for caterers looking for a high end dessert that can be finished off & dressed in house to give it a homemade feel)


If you'd like to place an order for delivery through Creed Foodservice, contact
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