Lowden Garden Centre

From a small market stall in Lowden, Chippenham in the early 1980’s to the Garden Centre, Farm Shop and Restaurant we see today in Shaw, Wiltshire. Owners, Jonny and Alison, have grown and developed Lowden with the growing expectations of customers in mind.

Over the past year, they have noticed more and more people turning a hand to gardening as a form of mindfulness and they’re grateful to be able to encourage this love of gardening to support their community's well being.

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Throughout all areas of Lowden, the use of locally sourced produce and sustainability is a key focus. For example; Lowden has been cutting out the use of single use plastic for many years, the entire site is heated by biomass energy and solar power is used to power their electric car ports. 

The Restaurant sources the majority of their ingredients from the Farm Shop to produce delicious, homemade food and they work with local suppliers, including us - Wild Flour, to expand their Gluten Free and Vegan cake range. In addition to this, The Farm Shop is moving towards a more sustainable way of shopping with plans to install a refill station for many of their products. Working with stockists like Lowden Garden Centre is not only a great way for us to showcase our award winning cakes but it also enables us to share in our passion for using local, sustainable, wholesome ingredients and suppliers. 


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